Tag: Kindness
If you Could Invite ANYONE for Dinner
They once did a survey for a Jewish magazine, asking many people if they could invite ay 3 jewish people over for dinner, Who would you invite? A Lesson from Rabbi Aharon Pessin drives home the way we should be thinking as we go through the 3 weeks leading up to Tisha BAv, the time the Holy Temple, Bais Hamikdash was destroyed.
Read moreTisha B’Av – Doing Kindness Vs Loving Kindness
Rabbi Yehezkel Abramsky used to say that our fast day of Tisha B’Av reminds him of old people at an old age home. What do people do at an old age home? They sit around in their slippers, think and talk about food all day long. Is that what we should be doing on this day? Rabbi Pessin shares the words of our prophets which give insight into what God really wants from us…
Read moreHow to be Like G-d?
The Jewish holiday of Lag Ba’Omer is perhaps the most popular day for weddings…but, can we find a hint to this in the Torah? Rabbi Aaron Pessing shares some sources and a gematria which allude to weddings on Lag BaOmer.
Read morePurim: The Essence of the Day
Why is Purim called Purim? We know that it’s explained in the scroll of Esther (Megilat Esther) that it’s called Purim because of the Pur / the lottery that Haman did. Pur is lottery in Hebrew. However Rabbi Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl explains a different reason, in a lighthearted/Purim fashion – Rabbi Aaron Pessin shares the essence of this special Jewish holiday.
Read moreGiving With A Full Heart
In the Torah portion of Terumah we read about the construction of the various utensils used for the miishkan / tabernacle / sanctuary in the desert. Like every Synagogue through out history was built by donations, so was the sanctuary in the desert. When collecting money for the sanctuary, the Torah uses the expression “kol nediv leebo” “all those generous of heart” – however this is the only time in this expression is used by donations in the Torah. The question is WHY?
Read moreRosh Hashanah – Why 2 Days?
Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year. Also known as Judegement day. On this day, every individual is judged and the coming year is decided. This holiday is 2 days long , even in Israel – why 2 days? Rabbi Sinai explains one of the reasons behind the necessity for 2 days of Rosh Hashanah – based on the classic work of Michtav M’Eliyahu.
Read moreCovid19 – What Should We Be Doing During These Challenging Times?
In these trying Covid-19 times there are so many acts of kindness going on. Rabbi Aaron Pessin shares a true story that happened in Lakewood New Jersey on the Passover Seder. Let’s learn from it…
Read moreAlmost as Bad as Gossip (80 Sec) Rabbi Ari Enkin
Forbidden speech can come in many forms – and surprisingly, not always in the form of bad speech. Rabbi Ari Enkin shares a beautiful insight brought out from the Torah Portion of Metzora.
Read moreGood Habits Stick (70 sec)
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