Category: Purim

Purim: Under The Mask
On the Jewish Holiday of Purim we read the Book of Esther. In Hebrew its called Megillat Esther, literally the scroll of Esther. But these words are rooted in the following Hebrew words: Megaleh and Hester – So Who is hiding behind the mask?
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Purim: When Things Seem Dark | Nissim Black
When Queen Esther was walking to meet King Achashverosh, we are taught that she lost her connection to God at that moment, and felt in total darkness. On Purim we see how, although times can be difficult and dark – God is hidden in this physical world and He’s in every aspect of our lives and Orchestrating our salvation at every moment. Nissim Black shares a drop of light…
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Purim Day in Israel 2022: WE ASKED PEOPLE: What Can We Learn From The Hamantaschen?
The Jews have an obligation to wipe out the Amalekites off the face of the earth. Who are the Amalekites today? How do we fight and win this battle? As the Jewish Holiday of Purim approaches, Rav Burg shares an insight into this ongoing war against Amalek.
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Who Are The Amalekites Today?
The Jews have an obligation to wipe out the Amalekites off the face of the earth. Who are the Amalekites today? How do we fight and win this battle? As the Jewish Holiday of Purim approaches, Rav Burg shares an insight into this ongoing war against Amalek.
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Purim: The Essence of the Day
Why is Purim called Purim? We know that it’s explained in the scroll of Esther (Megilat Esther) that it’s called Purim because of the Pur / the lottery that Haman did. Pur is lottery in Hebrew. However Rabbi Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl explains a different reason, in a lighthearted/Purim fashion – Rabbi Aaron Pessin shares the essence of this special Jewish holiday.
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Why Do We Bang When We Hear Haman’s Name?
There’s a widely accepted custom when we go to the Synagogue and listen to the reading of Megillat Esther, we bang and make noise when we hear Haman’s name being read. What is the source to this tradition? Rabbi Aaron Pessin shares…
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Purim Heroine: Salvation Through a Woman (40 Sec)
We find an interesting phenomenon regarding the Purim Holiday. The salvation came through a woman. It came through Queen Esther. All previous salvations and later salvations were usually through men. What was so different about this salvation that it came about through a woman? Rabbi Pessin shares an insight into the story of Purim.
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Purim Drunk Explained (110 Sec)
On the Jewish Holiday of Purim we must get drunk to the point where we can no longer distinguish between the righteous Mordechai and the evil Haman. Why should we lose sight of that difference? Watch Rabbi Pessin to find out now…
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