Thoughts vs Action – Who Wins?

In the Torah portion of Shemot – Moses’ mother places him in a wicker basket and sends him down the Nile river with hopes that he would be saved from the decree that all boys be killed. Miriam, his sister, kept an eye on him from behind the bushes, while Batya, Pharaoh’s daughter found him and took him in, adopted him as her own. Our Sages teach us that these 2 women were both rewarded – Miriam greater than Batya, and the question is Why? Rabbi Ari Enkin shares the lesson…

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Don’t Underestimate Your Role as a Parent

In the Torah portion of Shemot, we read about the Jewish midwives. One of their names was Shifra and the other one was Puah. Yet we know that Shifra and Puah were actually Yocheved and Miram – the mother and sister or Moses. These are women who were also leaders of the Jewish people, why did the Torah give them names that represent seemingly menial tasks?
Rabb Ari Enkin shares…

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