Giving With A Full Heart

In the Torah portion of Terumah we read about the construction of the various utensils used for the miishkan / tabernacle / sanctuary in the desert. Like every Synagogue through out history was built by donations, so was the sanctuary in the desert. When collecting money for the sanctuary, the Torah uses the expression “kol nediv leebo” “all those generous of heart” – however this is the only time in this expression is used by donations in the Torah. The question is WHY?

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Going Above and Beyond

The Jewish people sing a song of Thanksgiving to G-d as they cross the red sea on dry land. In this song it says “This is my G-d & I will glorify Him” – We learn from this verse that when performing G-d’s commandments we should go above and beyond the bare minimum requirement – we should beautify the mitzvah/commandment, The question is asked: Why specifically is it this verse, of the Jews by the sea, that teaches us this lesson? There are many miraculous events that happened for the Jewish people – what is special about this one? Rabb Ari Enkin shares the lesson…

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What It Means To Be GREAT

In the Torah portion of Va’era we’re introduced to Moshe (Moses) and Aaron – two greats of the Jewish people. Sometimes Moses is mentioned first in the verse and sometimes Aaron is mentioned first. Why is this so? It’s explained that they were both equally as great. But that raises another question: How could that be? Everyone knows Moses and that he was the great leader of the Jewish people and the greatest prophet of Israel. How could it be that they were equal in greatness?

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Don’t Underestimate Your Role as a Parent

In the Torah portion of Shemot, we read about the Jewish midwives. One of their names was Shifra and the other one was Puah. Yet we know that Shifra and Puah were actually Yocheved and Miram – the mother and sister or Moses. These are women who were also leaders of the Jewish people, why did the Torah give them names that represent seemingly menial tasks?
Rabb Ari Enkin shares…

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The Lesson of The Wine

In the Torah portion of Vayigash, Joseph reveals himself to his brothers. Before the brothers leave Egypt, Joseph gives them a gift to take back to his father Jacob. It was an aged bottle of wine. The question is asked: Why an aged bottle of wine – what is so important about this bottle of wine? Did his father need wine at this time? Rabbi Ari Enkin shares the important lesson that we learn from this bottle of wine.

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Parenting and Leadership

The Key to True Leadership & Parenting

Throughout the Torah there are many conversations recorded. Between Abraham and Sarah, Abraham and the angles who came to visit him, Abraham and the Kings – but yet there is only 1 short conversation between Abraham and his beloved son Isaac. A total of only 15 words. How is it that Isaac became who he was with very little fatherly input and fatherly teachings? What was the parenting and leadership secret that was known to Abraham?

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Behind The Greatness Of Abraham

In the Torah portion of Lech Lecha we are introduced to Abraham – He was the first Jew. He taught the world about G-d. He did acts of kindness to no end. He was told by G-d that it was time to move to the land of Israel and when he arrives, the verse states “He pitched his tent” – but the words “his tent” are spelled strangely in the verse. It’s spelled with a letter hei and not a vav. Implying something else. Rabbi Ari Enkin shares an important lesson in life, and reveals yet another point of greatness found in Abraham our forefather.

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