Chanukah: Al Hanissim Prayer – There’s a Big Difference

On Chanukah we mention the Al Hanissim prayer several times throughout our day – We also mention this same prayer on the Purim Holiday – The idea on both holidays is similar, a prayer of thanks and praise and commemoration of what happened in those days, but there is an interesting difference in the actual wording – the Rabbi Aaron Pessin shares a beautiful insight into the prayer of Al Hanissim.

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Chanukah: Finding Light In The Darkness

A true story that happened on the Chanukah Holiday in a concentration camp during the Holocaust. The Grand Rabbi, the Bobover Rebbe risked his life to light the Chanukah candles for the Jews in his camp. On the first night, as he was about to say the 3rd blessing of ‘Shehechiyanu’, he hesitated. Later the people asked him what was this hesitation all about? Rabbi Aaron Pessin shares the story and lesson that we can learn from it

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Tisha Bav

Tisha B’Av – Doing Kindness Vs Loving Kindness

Rabbi Yehezkel Abramsky used to say that our fast day of Tisha B’Av reminds him of old people at an old age home. What do people do at an old age home? They sit around in their slippers, think and talk about food all day long. Is that what we should be doing on this day? Rabbi Pessin shares the words of our prophets which give insight into what God really wants from us…

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