Did You Know We Shake The Lulav 90 Times!

In the Jewish Holiday of Sukkot we are commanded to bundle the 4 species together and shake them (The Lulav, Etrog, Hadassim & Aravot). We shake this bundle to each of the 6 directions – right, left, up, down, forward, back – that’s 6 times. In each direction we do 3 shakes. That’s 18. We repeat this in the prayer service 5 times. That is a total of 90 times that we shake the lulav. However, we know that the significance of the number 91 is tremendous – and we are missing one shake to align with this significant number. Rabbi Aaron Pessin shares the secret.

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Why is Sukkot Celebrated Right After Yom Kippur?

The Jewish Holiday of Sukkot is celebrated a few days after Yom Kippur. Why is that so? We know that Yom Kippur is the day of atonement and Sukkot is the holiday where we make huts and dwell in them for 7 days – So why is Sukkot celebrated right after Yom Kippur? Rabbi Aaron Pessin shares a beautiful insight into the connection of these special Holidays.

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Israel Signs Peace Deals With UAE & Bahrain…Who’s Next?

Israel has been on peace-agreement signing spree with Arab countries. UAE peace deal first, then Bahrain peace agreement, who’s next? Arab countries who were once Israel’s enemies are now sitting at the same table making peace. We learn in Jewish writings that “The best vessel that G-d found for containing blessing is none other than, Peace.” There are many instances in Jewish teachings that tell us the major importance of peace. Seek peace and pursue it… Who should Israel make peace with next?

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Passover Seder: Why Next Year In Jerusalem? (70 Sec)

We finish the haggadah by saying Next Year in Jerusalem. We say this twice a year, but why is it not happening? Where’s Mashiach and the redemption? Some say that it’s because we say “Next Year!” Why not Now? Perhaps we are delaying it, by saying “NEXT YEAR”? Rabbi Pessin shares a beautiful insight into what exactly we mean by Hashana Habah BYerushalyim.

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Covid-19 – Secret of 100 Blessings a Day (80 Sec)

How can we stop a plague? There is an obligation in Jewish law for a Jew to say 100 blessings a day, which includes some of the blessings which are in our daily prayers, and blessings which are recited before performing various mitzvot through-out the day. The Tur explains why the obligation for 100 blessings a day was instituted – because of a plague that occurred in the time of King David. Rabbi Aaron Pessin shares the secret of 100 blessings a day and how it has the power to stop a plague.

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