Her Father Came to Her in a Dream..

Many years ago, R’ Yosef Teitelbaum, a Rabbi in Hungary – After 5 or 6 years of being Rabbi, he was asked to leave their apartment due to unexpected circumstances. Leaving would mean that he’d also lose his job. His wife was not taking the whole situation so well in addition to another challenge that came her way. She went to sleep crying and her father came to her in a dream… Rabbi Sinai shares the story

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Chanukah: Finding Light In The Darkness

A true story that happened on the Chanukah Holiday in a concentration camp during the Holocaust. The Grand Rabbi, the Bobover Rebbe risked his life to light the Chanukah candles for the Jews in his camp. On the first night, as he was about to say the 3rd blessing of ‘Shehechiyanu’, he hesitated. Later the people asked him what was this hesitation all about? Rabbi Aaron Pessin shares the story and lesson that we can learn from it

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Being Happy In Challenging Times

Amazing story of Rabbi Shlomo Reichenberg of Bnei Brak. When Shlomo was 16 years old, he entered hell – aka the holocaust. At the concentration camp, 10 men would sleep on 1 wooden plank. One day, as he was walking in the camp, he was beaten up by one of the guys in the camp. They suspected that Shlomo was cooperating with the nazis. Was this true? Rabbi Aaron Pessin shares the story.

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The Witch Avoided Eye Contact With This Orthodox Jew – True Story!

An Orthodox Jewish student (a friend of Rabbi Alpren – who is telling the story) was studying to be a psychiatrist in the USA, and at the end of the year, the university had brought in a number of different specialists in alternative medicines and various healing techniques to share their knowledge and experiences with the class. For a series of about 3 final lectures, they brought in a Witch, who was apparently involved in black magic. Everything was going fine, but she would not make eye contact with the Orthodox Jew, until one day…

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