Learning Greatness From Moses

In the Torah portion of Chukat we read about the song that the Jewish people sung in celebration and thanksgiving for the well that followed them and provided water for them, through out their journey in the desert – however, there is another place in the Torah when the Jews also sing a song of Thanks to God, but there is a difference in the wording of these 2 verses. Why is that? Rabbi Ari Enkin shares the lesson.

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A Parable For The End of Days

The Talmud from over 2000 years ago tells a fascinating story about Rabbah bar bar Hana, who was on a boat in the ocean, and happened upon an island. Little did he know, that this island was the back of a giant fish. They stopped the boat for a break, and took out a barbecue to cook some food. The heat from the fire triggered the fish, and it flipped over. Had it not been for the boat near by, they would have drowned. The Netivot HaMishpat, (a great Rabbi from around 250 years ago) explains the parable to be referring to what will be when the Jews finally make their return to Israel, the land of Israel…

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Solidify The Important Things In Life

In the Torah portion of BeHa’alotcha we read about the holy trumpets, that were used to announce the holidays and /or to call the people to war. There was a unique aspect to the requirements of the trumpets, in that it must be made from one single piece of silver. It must be hammered out. There were two other utensils with the same requirement, that was the Menorah and the Cherubs. What lesson can we learn from this unusual requirement placed on these 3 utensils?
Rabbi Ari Enkin shares.

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Amazing Revelations Of Lag Ba’Omer

Did you know what happened on the 33rd Day of the Omer counting? A Jewish Holiday known as Lag B’Omer. The most well known event that occurred on this day was the death of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, a Tannaitic sage who is also known to be the author of the kabbalistic book of the Zohar. However, Rabbi Aaron Pessin shares several other fascinating connections to this special day.

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