We have some great news and more…
The first episode of the “Science and God series with Professor Daniel Nessim” was a huge success!
Aside from reaching our regular Drops of Light subscribers across our channels – It has been published on popular Jewish sites like, Aish com and Chabad org and it is getting massive exposure to Jews around the world. We even contacted TorahAnytime and they have agreed to posting the whole series.
UNDERSTAND THE IMPACT this will have on Drops of Light
- AISH com – about 700k visits/month
- CHABAD org – about 5 Million visits/month
- TORAHANYTIME com – about 1 Million visits/month
We continue to develop this series along with other videos & We aim to reach more and more people every day.
but guess what…
We can’t do it alone.
We are looking for sponsors to help us take the next step on this journey.
If you believe in the mission and want to take part in spreading the light to Jews around the world, then this is your opportunity.
THANK YOU for being a part of this journey!

You can check out our first episode that was published on Aish and Chabad earlier this summer.
See Us On AISH | See Us On CHABAD