Simple Secret for a More Enjoyable & Meaningful Life
So what is the secret to living a more enjoyable and meaningful life?
Benyamin Patino shares a short message
So what is the secret to living a more enjoyable and meaningful life?
Benyamin Patino shares a short message
The Talmud from over 2000 years ago tells a fascinating story about Rabbah bar bar Hana, who was on a boat in the ocean, and happened upon an island. Little did he know, that this island was the back of a giant fish. They stopped the boat for a break, and took out a barbecue to cook some food. The heat from the fire triggered the fish, and it flipped over. Had it not been for the boat near by, they would have drowned. The Netivot HaMishpat, (a great Rabbi from around 250 years ago) explains the parable to be referring to what will be when the Jews finally make their return to Israel, the land of Israel…
Read moreOn Jewish festive days we say the Hallel prayer. In it we read a verse which says “Moshivi akaret habayit, eIm habanim smeicha” ” G-d takes a barren wife and makes her into a happy mother” – The Radak, a medieval rabbi, biblical commentator, philosopher, and grammarian (Rabbi David Kimhi) points out that aside from this verse teaching us of G-d’s full control over the world, it also hints to redemption. Rabbi Aaron Pessin shares this fascinating message.
Read moreMany people make a mistake when it comes to the concept of Mashiach. They think that we can just sit back and do our thing and one day Mashiach will come and redeem me and the entire world. But that’s a terrible failure. As Jews we have a mission to do G-d’s will in this world. We have to be active participants in making the world a better place…
Read moreTisha B’Av is the saddest day of the Jewish year but if you notice, the actual laws of the day[…]
Read moreWe finish the haggadah by saying Next Year in Jerusalem. We say this twice a year, but why is it not happening? Where’s Mashiach and the redemption? Some say that it’s because we say “Next Year!” Why not Now? Perhaps we are delaying it, by saying “NEXT YEAR”? Rabbi Pessin shares a beautiful insight into what exactly we mean by Hashana Habah BYerushalyim.
Read moreOur Sages teach us that if we keep 2 Shabbats we will be redeemed. But how does this work – what power does the Shabbat have to bring about the redemption? Also, if Shabbat is that powerful, why isn’t 1 Shabbat enough? Rabbi Pession shares this beautiful insight about the power of Shabbat and it’s ability to bring the ultimate redemption / geulah.
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