A Remedy For Life’s Challenges
There was a kid who swallowed a coin, the father rushed him to the famous Rabbi, Chazon Ish, what happened next teaches us an important lesson for life…
Read moreThere was a kid who swallowed a coin, the father rushed him to the famous Rabbi, Chazon Ish, what happened next teaches us an important lesson for life…
Read moreAmazing story of Rabbi Shlomo Reichenberg of Bnei Brak. When Shlomo was 16 years old, he entered hell – aka the holocaust. At the concentration camp, 10 men would sleep on 1 wooden plank. One day, as he was walking in the camp, he was beaten up by one of the guys in the camp. They suspected that Shlomo was cooperating with the nazis. Was this true? Rabbi Aaron Pessin shares the story.
Read moreAccording to the Kabbalah there are 3 elements to the brain. Imagination Logic and Memory
The secret to happiness is in your memory.Memory is made through emotions – the stronger these emotions, the more you will remember it – and both of these are under your control as…
A story with the Baal Shem Tov. A poor man once came to him to ask for a segula (spiritual remedy) for a livelihood (parnasa) Through one of God’s names, the Baal Shem Tov revealed a segula for parnasa. Rabbi Sinai shares the story.
Read moreThe secret to happiness is actually found in the Jewish Holiday of Sukkot. We build temporary huts outdoors and we dwell in them for 7 days, but how does this teach us happiness? Jacob Rupp shares an insight in under 80 seconds
Read moreThere are things in life we take for granted, learn how to appreciate them and bring more happiness to your life – by Yaakov Zier
Read moreYisroel Wahl teaches us the secret to a happier life. Download File (6 MB) for sharing or viewing directly on[…]
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