Israel Signs Peace Deals With UAE & Bahrain…Who’s Next?

Israel has been on peace-agreement signing spree with Arab countries. UAE peace deal first, then Bahrain peace agreement, who’s next? Arab countries who were once Israel’s enemies are now sitting at the same table making peace. We learn in Jewish writings that “The best vessel that G-d found for containing blessing is none other than, Peace.” There are many instances in Jewish teachings that tell us the major importance of peace. Seek peace and pursue it… Who should Israel make peace with next?

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G-d Appreciates This…

In the Torah Portion of Ki Tavo we learn about the offering of the first fruits. The farmer would bring his first fruits as an offering to G-d. The rich man and poor man alike would bring the fruits in a basket or platter. Yet, the poor man’s basket was taken by the priest and not returned , while the rich man’s platter was returned. Why does the poor man have to lose his basket as part of the offering while the rich man gets to keep his? What is G-d telling us by this? Rabbi Ari Enkin shares an insight…

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Woman Captured At War & the Rebellious Son

In the Torah Portion of Ki Tetze we read the verses regarding ‘a beautiful woman who is captured at war’ (Known as ‘Isha Yifat To’ar ‘- In Hebrew) and right after that passage, the Torah discusses the laws of the rebellious son who, if guilty, must be put to death. Why are these two uncomfortable scenarios presented next to each other? What lesson is the Torah teaching us, through bringing these two passages together? Rabbi Ari Enkin shares an insight…

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