Gad Elbaz: Live The Present (60 Sec)

Gad Elbaz’s most popular song Hashem Melech which quotes a famous prayer “Hashem Melech, Hashem Malach, Hashem Yimloch LeOlam Va’ed” which says: “God reigns as King, God reigned as King, and God will always reign as King forever” – The question is asked, why do we start with God reigns as King in the present tense? Wouldn’t it make more sense, to speak it out chronologically, to go from Past, Present to Future? Gad Elbaz shares some insight into the order of this famous Jewish prayer and declaration.

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Noah – Living in a Corrupt Society (2min)

Noah lived in a time when society was so corrupt that God had to destroy the entire world through a massive flood. The Torah says that Noah found favor in God’s eyes, Noah walked with God, yet we also see that there is no mention of Noah in any social circles….Why exactly is this? Rabbi Ari Enkin shares a fascinating insight regarding Noah and the way he lived, but more importantly, what we can learn from him…

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