Learning Greatness From Moses

In the Torah portion of Chukat we read about the song that the Jewish people sung in celebration and thanksgiving for the well that followed them and provided water for them, through out their journey in the desert – however, there is another place in the Torah when the Jews also sing a song of Thanks to God, but there is a difference in the wording of these 2 verses. Why is that? Rabbi Ari Enkin shares the lesson.

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What It Means To Be GREAT

In the Torah portion of Va’era we’re introduced to Moshe (Moses) and Aaron – two greats of the Jewish people. Sometimes Moses is mentioned first in the verse and sometimes Aaron is mentioned first. Why is this so? It’s explained that they were both equally as great. But that raises another question: How could that be? Everyone knows Moses and that he was the great leader of the Jewish people and the greatest prophet of Israel. How could it be that they were equal in greatness?

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