Chanukah: 500 Answers Why We Celebrate 8 Days

A famous question is asked – Why do we celebrate 8 days of Chanukah, when the miracle was only 7 days? They found oil that would last 1 day and a miracle occurred and it lasted for 8 – so in theory we should only be celebrating 7 days of miracle, Why then do we celebrate 8 days? A book was written called “Yemei Shmonah” with 500 answers to this questions – Rabbi Pessin shares an important lesson for the Jewish people in their ongoing battle to uphold the Torah and the Jewish heritage.

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Did You Know We Shake The Lulav 90 Times!

In the Jewish Holiday of Sukkot we are commanded to bundle the 4 species together and shake them (The Lulav, Etrog, Hadassim & Aravot). We shake this bundle to each of the 6 directions – right, left, up, down, forward, back – that’s 6 times. In each direction we do 3 shakes. That’s 18. We repeat this in the prayer service 5 times. That is a total of 90 times that we shake the lulav. However, we know that the significance of the number 91 is tremendous – and we are missing one shake to align with this significant number. Rabbi Aaron Pessin shares the secret.

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Why is Sukkot Celebrated Right After Yom Kippur?

The Jewish Holiday of Sukkot is celebrated a few days after Yom Kippur. Why is that so? We know that Yom Kippur is the day of atonement and Sukkot is the holiday where we make huts and dwell in them for 7 days – So why is Sukkot celebrated right after Yom Kippur? Rabbi Aaron Pessin shares a beautiful insight into the connection of these special Holidays.

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