Don’t Underestimate Your Role as a Parent

In the Torah portion of Shemot, we read about the Jewish midwives. One of their names was Shifra and the other one was Puah. Yet we know that Shifra and Puah were actually Yocheved and Miram – the mother and sister or Moses. These are women who were also leaders of the Jewish people, why did the Torah give them names that represent seemingly menial tasks?
Rabb Ari Enkin shares…

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The Lesson of The Wine

In the Torah portion of Vayigash, Joseph reveals himself to his brothers. Before the brothers leave Egypt, Joseph gives them a gift to take back to his father Jacob. It was an aged bottle of wine. The question is asked: Why an aged bottle of wine – what is so important about this bottle of wine? Did his father need wine at this time? Rabbi Ari Enkin shares the important lesson that we learn from this bottle of wine.

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Chanukah: When You Do THIS, Miracles Can Happen

Sometimes in life we may feel that “we’re not enough” – and that plays out by limiting our dreams, we feel like we are putting ourselves in a box, or we feel like we need to dress or speak a certain way so other people understand you. The truth is that with proper perspective, we are able to break through that feeling and tap into something much greater. Jacob Rupp brings out one of the concepts behind Chanukah

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Chanukah: 500 Answers Why We Celebrate 8 Days

A famous question is asked – Why do we celebrate 8 days of Chanukah, when the miracle was only 7 days? They found oil that would last 1 day and a miracle occurred and it lasted for 8 – so in theory we should only be celebrating 7 days of miracle, Why then do we celebrate 8 days? A book was written called “Yemei Shmonah” with 500 answers to this questions – Rabbi Pessin shares an important lesson for the Jewish people in their ongoing battle to uphold the Torah and the Jewish heritage.

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Who Will Be The NEXT PRESIDENT of the USA?

In Proverbs it says that “a king’s heart is in the hands of G-d” – but what does that mean? It’s explained that once someone is placed in a position of power and authority, he loses his free choice. He is now under the control of G-d. So what does that mean for us and the US elections 2020? Rabbi Pessin shares the lesson, and perhaps he will reveal to us, who will be the new president of the US?

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